Shahab Mir 

Shahab Mir is a meticulously prepared IT professional with over a decade of experience in the field. He is an eager and self-motivated individual with exceptional programming solutions. It goes without saying that he didn’t cultivate these skills overnight. It was a journey, a process. In this piece, we will illuminate his journey from a novice to a skilled java developer.

The Commencement

Shahab Mir initially embarked on Core (Java SE) and delved as much as he could into it. He grasped the fundamental concepts like loops, arrays, operators, and others quite adeptly. He later familiarized himself with the plethora of general-purpose APIs of Java SE, such as java.lang,, and java.math. Since OOP concepts are prevalent in Java, he certainly didn’t overlook them at all.

Familiarizing with Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)

Once he had completed learning Core Java, he was mostly prepared to delve into learning Java EE (Enterprise Edition), sometimes also referred to as Advanced Java. As he started focusing on Java EE, he was also able to work on web programming because the language provided him with prerequisites for distributed computing and web services.

For web specifications, this encompassed technologies like Servlet, WebSocket, Java Server Faces, and others, which further helped Mir to enhance his coding skills.

Utilizing servlets and JSP to create projects

Shahab Mir integrated everything he learned in Java EE with Front End technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and endeavored to create smaller projects on specific topics to sharpen his knowledge. He also created and resolved simple projects, one with Servlet and the other with JSP. Mir believes in undertaking a lot of projects on his own because he believes that one never truly comprehends a programming language unless they actually work on projects with it.

Rest and Spring Frameworks are two frameworks that he mastered

After completing both Java SE and Java EE, he then set out to master Java Frameworks, such as the Hibernate Framework and the Spring Framework. These are the most widely utilized Java frameworks. In fact, most Java development firms now utilize Spring frameworks like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Cloud to develop web applications, among other things. The Hibernate framework, along with the Hibernate Query Language, is particularly renowned for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database. Therefore, Shahab Mir embarked on learning them as these frameworks can create brilliant projects. Using these frameworks, developers have a good chance of being hired as a Java Developer at any company.

Connect with Shahab Mir!

Shahab Mir believes in the adage that ‘practice makes a man perfect.’ This is why he never neglected practicing and made sure he wrote the syntax repeatedly without making even simple mistakes. Additionally, while it is straightforward to provide a solution to a problem in theory, he understood that the challenge lies in integrating the solution. He is now highly skilled in language requirements and the best design practices.

Furthermore, be cautioned, he has learned and practiced repeatedly to acquire this skill of his. This is also his advice to all other novice coders: keep coding and practicing Java as frequently as possible, and endeavor to create small projects on any topic you’re learning.